Results for 'Umang Jash Patel'

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  1.  61
    Advance statement of consent from patients with primary CNS tumours to organ donation and elective ventilation.Umang Jash Patel - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (3):143-144.
    A deficit in the number of organs available for transplantation persists even with an increase in donation rates. One possible choice of donor for organs that appears under-referred and/or unaccepted is patients with primary brain tumours. In spite of advances in the treatment of high-grade primary central nervous system (CNS) tumours, the prognosis remains dire. A working group on organs from donors with primary CNS tumours showed that the risk of transmission is small and outweighs the benefits of waiting for (...)
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    Going above and beyond? Early reasoning about which moral acts are best.Umang Khan, Maia Jaffer-Diaz, Anahid Najafizadeh & Christina Starmans - 2023 - Cognition 236 (C):105444.
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    Exploring Cognitive Relations Between Prediction in Language and Music.Aniruddh D. Patel & Emily Morgan - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S2):303-320.
    The online processing of both music and language involves making predictions about upcoming material, but the relationship between prediction in these two domains is not well understood. Electrophysiological methods for studying individual differences in prediction in language processing have opened the door to new questions. Specifically, we ask whether individuals with musical training predict upcoming linguistic material more strongly and/or more accurately than non-musicians. We propose two reasons why prediction in these two domains might be linked: Musicians may have greater (...)
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  4. Noble use of money.A. M. Patel - 2010 - Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India: Mahavideh Foundation. Edited by Niruben Amin.
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  5. 13th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing, (ICCI*CC’14) at LSBU, London, UK.S. Patel, Y. Wang, W. Kinsner, D. Patel, G. Fariello & L. A. Zadeh (eds.) - 2014 - IEEE Computer Society Press.
  6.  76
    A natural stem cell therapy? How novel findings and biotechnology clarify the ethics of stem cell research.P. Patel - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (4):235-239.
    The natural replacement of damaged cells by stem cells occurs actively and often in adult tissues, especially rapidly dividing cells such as blood cells. An exciting case in Boston, however, posits a kind of natural stem cell therapy provided to a mother by her fetus—long after the fetus is born. Because there is a profound lack of medical intervention, this therapy seems natural enough and is unlikely to be morally suspect. Nevertheless, we feel morally uncertain when we consider giving this (...)
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    Autobiography of Gnani Purush A.M. Patel.A. M. Patel - 2010 - Gujarat, India: Mahavideh Foundation. Edited by Niruben Amin.
    The Lord of the Fourteen worlds is manifest here. Questioner: For whom is the title 'Dada Bhagwan' used? Dadashri: For 'Dada Bhagwan.' Not for me. I am a 'Gnani Purush A. M. Patel.' 'Dada Bhagwan' is the Lord of the fourteen worlds. He dwells within you also, but He has not awakened yet, he remains unmanifested. Here within me, He is fully awakened and manifest. He is capable of awakening the Lord within you.
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  8. When Reason Sleeps: Citizenship, Terrorism and War.Nazeer Patel - 2008 - Ethics 6 (1):101-116.
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    How Transparency Modulates Trust in Artificial Intelligence.John Zerilli, Umang Bhatt & Adrian Weller - 2022 - Patterns 3 (4):1-10.
    We review the literature on how perceiving an AI making mistakes violates trust and how such violations might be repaired. In doing so, we discuss the role played by various forms of algorithmic transparency in the process of trust repair, including explanations of algorithms, uncertainty estimates, and performance metrics.
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    An empirical comparison of rhythm in language and music.Aniruddh D. Patel & Joseph R. Daniele - 2003 - Cognition 87 (1):B35-B45.
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    Philosophy of the Gita.Ramesh N. Patel - 1991 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The book called "Philosophy of the Gita," by Prof. Ramesh N. Patel, is a striking philosophical study of the celebrated Sanskrit text called the Bhagavad-gita which is known simply as the Gita. Patel's book proposes and develops a new hermeneutic called archaic coherentism and applies it to the Gita to distill and decode a comprehensive metaphysic and philosophy of action embedded in the text. A new conceptual translation of the Sanskrit text brings out this philosophy in clear detail. (...)
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    Knowledge Based Solution Strategies in Medical Reasoning.Vimla L. Patel & Guy J. Groen - 1986 - Cognitive Science 10 (1):91-116.
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  13. Global peace through dialogue.Krishna Ahooja-Patel - 2006 - In Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī, Intaj Malek & Sunanda Y. Shastri, In quest of peace: Indian culture shows the path. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 1--1.
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  14. Ethical philosophy of swaminarayan.D. M. Patel - 1981 - In Sahajānanda, New dimensions in Vedanta philosophy. Ahmedabad: Bochasanwasi Shri Aksharpurushottam Sanstha. pp. 1--223.
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  15. Music and the brain: three links to language.Aniruddh D. Patel - 2008 - In Susan Hallam, Ian Cross & Michael Thaut, Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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  16. Multiculturalism, cosmopolitanism, and emergent literatures.Cyrus R. K. Patell - 2010 - In Hilary Ballon, The Cosmopolitan Idea. Nyu Abu Dhabi.
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    Science of speech.Ambalal Muljibhai Patel - 2016 - Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India: Mr. Ajit C. Patel, Dada Bhagwan Aradhana Trust. Edited by Niruben Amin.
    Those seeking to lead a spiritual life may naturally become inspired to live in peace and non violence. To learn spiritual practices and develop the values, one may turn to spiritual teachers or religion. In the book "Science Of Speech," Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan offers understanding about non violent communication, especially while resolving conflict and dealing with difficult people.
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    Inner speech: From self-knowledge to the second-person.Shivam Patel - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations.
    A traditional assumption in the literature on inner speech is that inner speech allows us to have knowledge of our thoughts. I argue that inner speech cannot even be part of an explanation of how we know our propositional states. My argument turns on the existence of unsymbolized thought, and makes the case that whatever explains self-knowledge in the absence of inner speech also explains self-knowledge when inner speech is present. Inner speech is thus ‘screened off’ from explaining the knowledge (...)
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    New Evidence on the Role of the Media in Corporate Social Responsibility.Ajay Patel, Robert Nash, Omrane Guedhami & Sadok El Ghoul - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (4):1051-1079.
    Prior research suggests that the media plays an important information intermediary role in capital markets. We investigate the role of the media in influencing firms’ engagement in corporate social responsibility activities. Using a large sample of 4396 unique firms from 42 countries over the period 2003–2012, we find strong evidence that firms engage in more CSR activities if located in countries where the media has more freedom. This relation is robust to using various proxies for media freedom, an alternative source (...)
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  20. Thought insertion without thought.Shivam Patel - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (3):955-973.
    There are a number of conflicting accounts of thought insertion, the delusion that the thoughts of another are inserted into one’s own mind. These accounts share the common assumption of realism: that the subject of thought insertion has a thought corresponding to the description of her thought insertion episode. I challenge the assumption by arguing for an anti-realist treatment of first-person reports of thought insertion. I then offer an alternative account, simulationism, according to which sufferers merely simulate having a thought (...)
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  21. Inner speech: From self-knowledge to the second-person.Shivam Patel - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations.
    A traditional assumption in the literature on inner speech is that inner speech allows us to have knowledge of our thoughts. I argue that inner speech cannot even be part of an explanation of how we know our propositional states. My argument turns on the existence of unsymbolized thought, and makes the case that whatever explains self-knowledge in the absence of inner speech also explains self-knowledge when inner speech is present. Inner speech is thus ‘screened off’ from explaining the knowledge (...)
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  22. Of the perfect and the ordinary: Indistinguishability and hallucination.Shivam Patel - 2025 - Philosophical Quarterly 75 (1):190-212.
    The claim that perfect hallucination is introspectively indistinguishable from perception has been a centrepiece of philosophical theorizing about sense experience. The most common interpretation of the indistinguishability claim is modal: that it is impossible to distinguish perfect hallucination from perception through introspection alone. I run through various models of introspection and show that none of them can accommodate the modal interpretation. Rejecting the modal interpretation opens up two alternative interpretations of the indistinguishability claim. According to the generic interpretation, hallucination is (...)
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    The paradox of negation in N g rjuna's philosophy.Kartikeya C. Patel - 1994 - Asian Philosophy 4 (1):17 – 32.
    Abstract This essay discusses the paradox of the N?g?rjunian negation as presented in his Vigrahavy?vartani. In Part One it is argued that as the Naiy?yika remarks, N?g?rjuna's speech act ?No proposition has its own intrinsic thesis? seemingly contradicts his famous claim that he has no negation whatsoever. In Parts Two and Three I consider the traditional as well as modem responses to this paradox and offer my own. I argue that N?g?rjuna's speech act does not generate a paradox for two (...)
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  24. From speech to voice: On the content of inner speech.Shivam Patel - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):10929-10952.
    Theorists have found it difficult to reconcile the unity of inner speech as a mental state kind with the diversity of its manifestations. I argue that existing views concerning the content of inner speech fail to accommodate both of these features because they mistakenly assume that its content is to be found in the ‘speech processing hierarchy’, which includes semantic, syntactic, phonemic, phonetic, and articulatory levels. Upon rejecting this assumption, I offer a position on which the content of inner speech (...)
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    Ethical Considerations in Personalized Medicine.Smit Patel, Chris Slavin & Raj R. Rao - 2020 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 11 (1):89-93.
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    Interfaith Spirituality: Toward Universal Faith beyond Dogmas.Ramesh N. Patel - 2021 - Beavercreek, OH, USA: Lok Sangrah Prakashan.
    Deep and universal spirituality is evident in the life and teachings of all the founders of great world faiths. Over time, however, it gets clouded under the institutional and doctrinal structure of the religion that surrounds it. This book, Interfaith Spirituality: Toward Universal Faith beyond Dogmas, by Ramesh N. Patel, stands out by emphasizing and articulating the noble and inspirational spirituality of world faiths, Eastern and Western. The faiths chosen for narration are Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism and (...)
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    Study of the psychological foundation of the "free progress system" as evolved in Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education.Chandrakant P. Patel - 1986 - Pondicherry, India: Distributor, Sri Aurobindo Books Distribution Agency.
  28. Social Welfare and Social Development: In South Africa.Leila Patel - 2005 - Oxford University Press South Africa.
    This textbook can be used throughout the undergraduate years of study and help develop students' competencies and locate social welfare theory and practice within a global, regional, and national context.
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  29. The primate gestural meaning continuum.Pritty Patel-Grosz - forthcoming - In Kate Stanton, Gabriel Dupre & Ryan Nefdt, Oxford handbook of Philosophy of Linguistics. OUP.
    Research in formal theoretical semantics has recently expanded its scope to include gestural communication, focusing in particular on gestures that contribute to the content of an accompanying utterance, e.g., size gestures (LARGE, WIDE), pointing gestures, and gestures that depict objects (TELESCOPE) or actions (SLAP). At the same time, fruitful inquiries at the intersection of primatology and linguistics have given rise to the hypothesis that human and non-human great apes share a common set of directive (=imperative) gestures. Directive gestures such as (...)
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  30. Primate origins of discourse-managing gestures: the case of hand fling.Pritty Patel-Grosz, Matthew Henderson, Patrick Georg Grosz, Kirsty Graham & Catherine Hobaiter - 2023 - Linguistics Vanguard.
    The last decades have seen major advances in the study of gestures both in humans and non-human primates. In this paper, we seriously examine the idea that there may be gestural form types that are shared across great ape species, including humans, which may underlie gestural universals, both in form and meaning. We focus on one case study, the hand fling gesture common to chimpanzees and humans, and provide a semantic analysis of this gesture.
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  31. Inferring subjective states through the observation of actions.D. Patel, S. Fleming & J. Kilner - 2012 - Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1748):4853–60.
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    Psychologists and torture: critical realism as a resource for analysis and training.Nimisha Patel & David Pilgrim - 2018 - Journal of Critical Realism 17 (2):176-191.
    ABSTRACTThis article introduces the challenges of providing psychological assessments of people seeking asylum in the wake of their reported torture. These challenges invite professionals to consider ontology and epistemology. Critical realism is well-positioned to underlabour for the process of understanding a human rights violation, in which the complainant is both the key, and often sole, witness and claimed victim. For instance, the layered reality of critical realism allows practitioners to use retroduction to describe deeper structures and mechanisms of torture. The (...)
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    A four-valued semantics for terminological logics.Peter F. Patel-Schneider - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 38 (3):319-351.
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    Beyond "Traditional" Substance Dualism: A Hindu Soul.Sarju Patel - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (1):166-187.
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    Pro-environmental behavior and socio-demographic factors in an emerging market.Jayesh Patel, Ashwin Modi & Justin Paul - 2017 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 6 (2):189-214.
    We examine the role of socio-demographic factors on consumers’ pro-environmental behavior (PEB)–a subset of ethical behavior and analyze its implications in an emerging market, with a sample study from India. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was performed as research method. Results show that males display higher PEB than their female counterparts. Married consumers score more on PEB than single. Mid-age consumers (36–50) also score high on PEB than young and old-age consumers. Furthermore, highly educated consumers are more pro-environmentalist than graduates (...)
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    More than meets the eye: emotional stimuli enhance boundary extension effects for both depressed and never-depressed individuals.Shivam D. Patel, Carlos V. Esteves, Melody So, Tim Dalgleish & Caitlin Hitchcock - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (1):128-136.
    Boundary extension is a memory phenomenon in which an individual reports seeing more of a scene than they actually did. We provide the first examination of boundary extension in individuals diagnosed with depression, hypothesising that an overemphasis on pre-existing schema may enhance boundary extension effects on emotional photographs. The relationship between boundary extension and overgeneralisation in autobiographical memory was also explored. Individuals with (n = 42) and without (n = 41) Major Depressive Disorder completed a camera paradigm task utilising positive, (...)
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  37. Distributed cognition, representation, and affordance.Jiajie Zhang & Vimla L. Patel - 2006 - Pragmatics and Cognition 14 (2):333-341.
    This article describes a representation-based framework of distributed cognition. This framework considers distributed cognition as a cognitive system whose structures and processes are distributed between internal and external representations, across a group of individuals, and across space and time. The major issue for distributed research, under this framework, are the distribution, transformation, and propagation of information across the components of the distributed cognitive system and how they affect the performance of the system as a whole. To demonstrate the value of (...)
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  38. COMMENTARY-The Hungry of the Earth.Raj Patel - 2008 - Radical Philosophy 151:2.
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    HPRT and the Lesch—Nyhan syndrome.Pragna I. Patel & C. Thomas Caskey - 1985 - Bioessays 2 (1):4-8.
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    Hinduism for Today: A Seminar in the Philosophy of Hindu Thought and Spirituality.Ramesh N. Patel - 2012 - Abiding Publications.
    What is Hinduism? Who is a Hindu? What form should Hinduism take in this day and age? This book proposes serious answers to these important challenging questions and presents them in an engaging way. Four men and four women, committed Hindus from different walks of life, gather under the format of a seminar to discuss these questions. They engage in the hard thinking necessary to develop a four-point definition of Hinduism. They construct foundations of a moderate viable Hinduism using the (...)
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    Managing oral anticoagulation therapy by pharmacists in a specialty heart hospital.Binita Patel-Naik, Sheryl L. Szeinbach, Enrique Seoane-Vazquez, Melissa J. Snider & Margueritte S. Hevezi - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (1):192-195.
  42. Relationship between Meaning and Representation: an Experimental Approach.Mukesh J. Patel - 1992 - In Maksim Stamenov, Current advances in semantic theory. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 73--159.
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    Toward a Unified Framework of Perceived Negative Leader Behaviors Insights from French and British Educational Sectors.Taran Patel & Robert G. Hamlin - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (1):157-182.
    In this paper, we challenge the commonly held assumption that actors in the education sector are largely ethical, and that there is therefore little need to scrutinize leader behaviors in this sector. We also overcome past scholars’ tendencies to either focus selectively on positive leader behaviors, or to stay content with categorizing leader behaviors into effective and ineffective. Using data from three case studies previously conducted in eight British and French academic establishments, we show that not only do negative leader (...)
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    Countering Coloniality in Educational Research: From Ownership to Answerability.Lisa Patel - 2014 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 50 (4):357-377.
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    Ubuntu in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Educational, Cultural and Philosophical Considerations.Mahmoud Patel, Tawffeek A. S. Mohammed & Raymond Koen - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (1):21.
    Ubuntu has been defined as a moral quality of human beings, as a philosophy or an ethic, as African humanism, and as a worldview. This paper explores these definitions as conceptual tools for understanding the cultural, educational, and philosophical landscape of post-apartheid South Africa. Key to this understanding is the Althusserian concept of state apparatus. Louis Althusser divides the state apparatus into two forces: the repressive state apparatus (RSA); and the ideological state apparatus (ISA). RSAs curtail the working classes, predominately (...)
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  46. Seeing One in Many: A Dialog in Hindu Spirituality for Today.Ramesh N. Patel - 2020 - Beavercreek, OH, USA: Lok Sangrah Prakashan.
    This substantive and important book, Seeing One in Many, by Professor Ramesh N. Patel, serves many needs and purposes. It also stands out in several ways. -/- First, seeing one spiritual being in our manifold universe is a hallmark of all spirituality. Highlighting this spirituality as a main feature of the world’s oldest living religion has obvious healing potential for the world’s polarizing conflicts of sundry nature that we have been witnessing with concern for a while. -/- This religion (...)
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    Non-economic Performance of Benefit Corporations: A Variance Decomposition Approach.Pankaj C. Patel & C. S. Richard Chan - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (2):355-376.
    Drawing on evolutionary realism as a guiding framework and using relevant theoretical bases at macro-, meso-, and micro- levels, we investigate the relative variance explained by each level on selection and retention of Benefit Corporations. Based on a sample of 5052 observations of certified B-Corps and 1403 observations of decertified B-Corps, relative to the country and industry differences, firm-level differences explain most of the variance in non-economic performance, especially for workers and community impact areas. Industry-level differences explain small differences in (...)
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    How the Abstract Becomes Concrete: Irrational Numbers Are Understood Relative to Natural Numbers and Perfect Squares.Purav Patel & Sashank Varma - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (5):1642-1676.
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    Trigon patterns on etched calcium fluoride cleavages.A. R. Patel, K. N. Goswami & C. C. Desai - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 10 (108):931-935.
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    Fugitive Practices: Learning in a Settler Colony.Leigh Patel - 2019 - Educational Studies 55 (3):253-261.
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